Sunday, May 31, 2009

Country Cruisin'

The other day I had a hankering for adventure. It pestered me all day while I was at work. I was tired of the mundane daily activities. After dinner I wasn't sure how to satisfy my restlessness, so I went for a drive down some roads I'd never driven on in my area. I took a couple of lefts and a couple of rights and wound up on a spectacular road that gave me a view of the mountains and a valley.

There were wonderfully green trees and the fields were freshly plowed. Suddenly I was struck with a love for where I live. I hear quite often how gorgeous it is, but for the past few years I've taken it for granted. The view was unreal. What started out to be a small need for adventure turned into a deep appreciation for where I live. Thank you Jesus for where you have me! :)

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