Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You know you live in a small rural town when...

1.) You notice that one of your bank tellers got a haircut.

2.) You can tell your boss the reason why you're late is because you got stuck behind a tractor on the way to work.

3.) The town goes to the local carnival/fair just to see who else will be there.

4.) The weekly police blotter reports llamas, pigs, or other farm animals on the loose and/or the town crazy who j-walked during "rush hour".

5.) People create drama just to have something to talk about.

6.) Traffic involves three cars at a four-way stop.

7.) Town shuts down by 7 pm.

8.) You can see a tourist coming from a mile away.

9.) The local bus system consists of two bus routes; one into town and one out of town. (Well maybe more...)

10) You run into at least two people you know while running errands.

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