Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here we are again...

I'm sitting at my kitchen table. (thinking and mulling over the changes I've encountered in my life in the last month.)

They have been significant changes:
I'm now an official George Fox student! (Go BRUINS!)
I no longer fear being a missionary
My "list" has been paired down

These are huge, massive, ginormous things that have happened to me. All I can say is it's been God orchestrating and making all of this happen. My heart has never felt so entrusted to Him, until now.

Yet again it's been a while since I've blogged. There have been times in the last few weeks where I thought, "This would be so good to blog!," and it hasn't happened. Let's see if I can try to maintain this public account about the random happenings and growings in my life. I make no promises, however I will try. :)

My hope is to write about these things in more depth, not to talk about myself, but rather what God is doing in my life. Maybe you can take what I've said and it might apply to your life, or maybe it will give you a chuckle for the day. Either way, be blessed this week and always.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

A venture into Redneckville

If you ever need help jumping a car I can now say that I'm a professional.
Last week my friend (we'll just call her Lucky H) was having car troubles. Her transmission was broken and had an oil leak somewhere in the engine.
Anyway, I had the privilege of following her to the mechanic's place.

"I'll just need you to follow me just in case I need a jump. It should be fine though." Lucky H said with a chill manner.

"Alrighty! I'm up for an adventure." I said.

Three jumps and a couple of wrong turns later and we were in Redneckville. Neither of us had been in that area before so passing by the "NO TRESSPASNING" and the "TRESSPASSSERS WILL BE SHOT" signs were daunting to say the least.

"HEY HEY HEEEEEEEEEEY!!!" An angry man yelled. Lucky H's car had conked out a fourth time and we were preparing to jump it again.

The pit bulls strarted growling and barking, and we started praying. My heart was pounding and thinking frantically of what to do.

The man kept yelling as we realized that he was yelling at the dogs.

Oh man. It was a crazy moment for me. We were two young women, basically stranded, no cell phone service, without a defense plan to get away from our potential attacker. The good news was there wasn't an actual attacker.

Reckneckville, I shan't be visiting again anytime soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


This fall, I'm transferring to George Fox University. Due to this exciting transition in my life, I'll be moving away from home which is several hours away. I'll be leaving my amazing job, family and friends.

Lately it seems that people know that I'm leaving and are coming in asking if my boss is hiring. They've left resumes and friendly smiles. This makes me sad. Sad because I'm leaving and sad because I've realized that I'm replaceable. Someone will take my job and do the tasks of dusting, talking with customers, making coffee...etc...
Is it vain to feel sad because someone will be taking your place?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Country Cruisin'

The other day I had a hankering for adventure. It pestered me all day while I was at work. I was tired of the mundane daily activities. After dinner I wasn't sure how to satisfy my restlessness, so I went for a drive down some roads I'd never driven on in my area. I took a couple of lefts and a couple of rights and wound up on a spectacular road that gave me a view of the mountains and a valley.

There were wonderfully green trees and the fields were freshly plowed. Suddenly I was struck with a love for where I live. I hear quite often how gorgeous it is, but for the past few years I've taken it for granted. The view was unreal. What started out to be a small need for adventure turned into a deep appreciation for where I live. Thank you Jesus for where you have me! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You know you live in a small rural town when...

1.) You notice that one of your bank tellers got a haircut.

2.) You can tell your boss the reason why you're late is because you got stuck behind a tractor on the way to work.

3.) The town goes to the local carnival/fair just to see who else will be there.

4.) The weekly police blotter reports llamas, pigs, or other farm animals on the loose and/or the town crazy who j-walked during "rush hour".

5.) People create drama just to have something to talk about.

6.) Traffic involves three cars at a four-way stop.

7.) Town shuts down by 7 pm.

8.) You can see a tourist coming from a mile away.

9.) The local bus system consists of two bus routes; one into town and one out of town. (Well maybe more...)

10) You run into at least two people you know while running errands.