Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here we are again...

I'm sitting at my kitchen table. (thinking and mulling over the changes I've encountered in my life in the last month.)

They have been significant changes:
I'm now an official George Fox student! (Go BRUINS!)
I no longer fear being a missionary
My "list" has been paired down

These are huge, massive, ginormous things that have happened to me. All I can say is it's been God orchestrating and making all of this happen. My heart has never felt so entrusted to Him, until now.

Yet again it's been a while since I've blogged. There have been times in the last few weeks where I thought, "This would be so good to blog!," and it hasn't happened. Let's see if I can try to maintain this public account about the random happenings and growings in my life. I make no promises, however I will try. :)

My hope is to write about these things in more depth, not to talk about myself, but rather what God is doing in my life. Maybe you can take what I've said and it might apply to your life, or maybe it will give you a chuckle for the day. Either way, be blessed this week and always.


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